A downloadable tool

Buy Now$2.00 USD or more

  Version: 1.1

Fixed compatibility with other google sheet load lists in the delayed item calculation error.

* Terms of Use  * 
No duplication or distribution is permitted. Can be used in commercial games I ask you to specify "Palatkorn" in your game credits only

Google Sheets Structure for All Item Types in RPG Maker MZ

🔥 Column Descriptions

The available commands will be changed to
$gameParty.gainItem($dataItems[1], 2);

Column Description
id Unique item ID (must not be duplicated)
animationId Animation ID when using the item
consumable TRUE = Consumable (disappears after use), FALSE = Non-consumable
damage_critical Whether the item can deal a critical hit (TRUE/FALSE)
damage_elementId Element ID of the damage (0 = No element)
damage_formula Damage formula (e.g., "0" for no damage, "b.mhp / 2" for 50% HP restoration)
damage_type Damage type (0 = None, 1 = HP Damage, 3 = HP Recovery, 4 = MP Damage, 5 = MP Recovery)
damage_variance Variance in damage (e.g., 20 = ±20%)
description Description of the item (displayed in the game)
effects Effects of the item (must be a JSON string)
hitType Type of attack (0 = None, 1 = Physical, 2 = Magical)
iconIndex Icon index (from IconSet)
itypeId Item type (1 = Regular item, 2 = Key item)
name Name of the item
note Additional notes (used for plugins)
occasion When the item can be used (0 = Anywhere, 1 = Menu, 2 = Battle, 3 = Never)
price Price of the item
repeats Number of times the item is used per turn
scope Who the item affects (7 = Self, 8 = All allies, etc.)
speed Speed of the item (higher value means faster usage)
successRate Success rate of the item (100 = 100%)
tpGain TP gain when using the item

✅ How to Use in Google Sheets

  1. Create a new Google Sheet and set up the columns as above.
  2. Copy and paste the table data into the sheet.
  3. Ensure the effects column contains JSON strings (use JSON.parse()).
  4. Integrate the Google Sheets API with RPG Maker MZ using a plugin.
  5. Test the item functionality in the game. 🎮

Copy Google Sheet to your own database

Open Extension Select app script Press Depoly button

New Deployment

Select type Select web app

Who has access Select Anyone

Press Depoly button
Authorize access
Select  You
Select  Advanced
Go to StorageSyncGoogle (unsafe)

Web app



Go to game plugin list



Put URL here https://script.google.com/macros/s/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Once done, you can edit and change items from the sheet.

Caution It will load items by ID, if no ID is entered it will be blank. You can go to your own item settings to see it from the


This link will help you sort item values.



Buy Now$2.00 USD or more

In order to download this tool you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $2 USD. You will get access to the following files:

PLK_GoogleSheetsDatabaseItem.js 119 kB

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