A downloadable rpgmaker mz

Buy Now$6.00 USD or more

  * Terms of Use *  No duplication or distribution is permitted. Can be used in commercial games I ask you to specify "Palatkorn" in your game credits only

✅ How to Use in Google Sheets

  1. Create a new Google Sheet and set up the columns as above.
  2. Copy and paste the table data into the sheet.
  3. Ensure the effects column contains JSON strings (use JSON.parse()).
  4. Integrate the Google Sheets API with RPG Maker MZ using a plugin.
  5. Test the item functionality in the game. 🎮

Copy Google Sheet to your own database

Open Extension Select app script Press Depoly button

New Deployment

Select type Select web app

Who has access Select Anyone

Press Depoly button Authorize access Select  You Select  Advanced Go to StorageSyncGoogle (unsafe) Allow

Web app



Go to game plugin list



Put URL here https://script.google.com/macros/s/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Once done, you can edit and change items from the sheet.

Caution It will load items by ID, if no ID is entered it will be blank. You can go to your own item settings to see it from the Games\Project\data\Skill

 This link will help you sort item values.  


Managing in Google Sheet is easy. You can filter and customize it yourself easily. No need to overwrite any files anymore.

When you have these databases and yes you can update your own skills whenever the players enter the game and connect to the internet it will automatically load itself in this database and yes google driver has a fast loading rate worldwide.

The skill learning command remains the same.


I haven't found any incompatibilities with other plugins, so I would say it's compatible with almost all of them.

Column Description
id Skill ID. A unique identifier for each skill. The engine uses this to index the skill in the array $dataSkills. Be careful not to conflict with existing skills in the database if you do not want to overwrite them.
animationId Animation ID. The number that references the animation (from the Animations tab in the Database) that is played on the target(s) when the skill is used. If set to 0, no special animation (or a default one, depending on settings) is played.
damage Damage Object. A JSON structure that defines how the damage is calculated. It usually includes: type (0 = none, 1 = physical, 2 = magical, 3 = HP drain, 4 = MP drain), elementId (as specified in the Elements tab), formula (e.g., "a.atk4 - b.def2"), variance (percentage variability), and critical (true/false).
description Skill Description. A short text shown in menus or status windows that explains what the skill does, e.g., “A fireball that scorches a single foe.”
effects Additional Effects. A JSON array of objects that describe extra effects beyond damage (such as healing, buffs, applying or removing states). Common code values include: 11 = Recover HP, 12 = Recover MP, 21 = Add State, 22 = Remove State, 31 = Add Buff, 32 = Add Debuff.
hitType Hit Type. Determines how the skill interacts with evasion: 0 = Certain hit (no evasion check), 1 = Physical (subject to physical evasion and can crit if damage.critical is true), 2 = Magical (subject to magic evasion).
iconIndex Icon Index. The index used to determine which icon (from IconSet.png) will appear next to the skill’s name in menus and battle windows.
message1 Battle Log Message 1. The text displayed in the battle log when the skill is used, often including placeholders like %1 for the user’s name and %2 for the skill name (e.g., "%1 uses %2!").
message2 Battle Log Message 2. An optional secondary message displayed in the battle log. If not used, leave it as an empty string ("").
mpCost MP Cost. The number of MP (Magic Points) required to use the skill. A value of 0 means no MP is spent.
name Skill Name. The name that appears in menus and battle logs.
note Note. A freeform text field often used for additional metadata or plugin-specific instructions.
occasion Occasion. Specifies when the skill can be used: 0 = Always (in both battle and menu), 1 = Only in battle, 2 = Only in the menu, 3 = Never (unusable unless forced by an event or script).
repeats Repeat Count. How many times the skill’s effect is applied to the target. For example, a value of 2 makes the skill hit twice in one use.
requiredWtypeId1 Required Weapon Type 1. If greater than 0, the actor must be wielding that weapon type (as defined in the Weapon Types in the Database) to use the skill. A value of 0 means no weapon requirement.
requiredWtypeId2 Required Weapon Type 2. A secondary weapon type requirement. Set to 0 if not used.
scope Target Scope. Defines who or what the skill targets: 0 = None, 1 = One enemy, 2 = All enemies, 7 = One ally, 8 = One ally (except the user), 10 = The user, 11 = All allies, etc.
speed Speed Bonus. A modifier to the skill’s speed in battle. Negative values make the skill act faster, while positive values make it slower.
stypeId Skill Type ID. Connects the skill to a specific “Skill Type” (from the Skill Types tab in the Database) such as Physical or Magic. Actors will only see skills matching the skill types added by their class traits.
successRate Success Rate. The percentage chance for the skill to succeed. Normally set to 100 for guaranteed success, with lower values introducing a chance of failure in addition to evasion checks.
tpCost TP Cost. The amount of TP (Tactical Points) consumed when using the skill (if using the TP system).
tpGain TP Gain. The amount of TP gained by the user after successfully using the skill.
messageType Message Type. A user- or plugin-defined field for additional battle log messages or text variations. If not needed, it can remain 0 or be omitted.
allowedClasses Allowed Classes. A JSON array (or a comma-separated string that can be parsed into an array) listing the class IDs that are permitted to learn the skill. For example, ["1", "4"] or [1,4] means only actors with _classId equal to 1 or 4 can learn this skill. If this field is not specified or is empty, it is assumed that all classes can learn the skill.
minLevel Minimum Level. The minimum level required for an actor to learn the skill.


Buy Now$6.00 USD or more

In order to download this rpgmaker mz you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $6 USD. You will get access to the following files:

PLK_GoogleSheetsDatabaseSkills.js 11 kB

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