A downloadable rpgmaker mz

Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

  * Terms of Use *  No duplication or distribution is permitted. Can be used in commercial games I ask you to specify "Palatkorn" in your game credits only

✅ How to Use in Google Sheets

  1. Create a new Google Sheet and set up the columns as above.
  2. Copy and paste the table data into the sheet.
  3. Ensure the effects column contains JSON strings (use JSON.parse()).
  4. Integrate the Google Sheets API with RPG Maker MZ using a plugin.
  5. Test the item functionality in the game. 🎮

Copy Google Sheet to your own database

Open Extension Select app script Press Depoly button

New Deployment

Select type Select web app

Who has access Select Anyone

Press Depoly button Authorize access Select  You Select  Advanced Go to StorageSyncGoogle (unsafe) Allow

Web app



Go to game plugin list



Put URL here https://script.google.com/macros/s/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Once done, you can edit and change items from the sheet.

Caution It will load items by ID, if no ID is entered it will be blank. You can go to your own item settings to see it from the Games\Project\data\States

 This link will help you sort item values.  


Column Description Example Value
id A unique identifier for the state. 1, 2, 3, …
autoRemovalTiming Indicates when the state is automatically removed. This value can control the timing of removal (e.g., at the end of a turn). 0 (no auto removal), 1, 2
chanceByDamage The percentage chance (0–100) that the state is applied when damage occurs. 100, 50
iconIndex The index number of the icon used to represent the state in the game. 1, 2, 3, …
maxTurns The maximum number of turns the state will remain active. 1, 5
message1 The message displayed when the state is first applied. "%1 has fallen!"
message2 An alternate message displayed in some circumstances when the state is applied. "%1 is slain!"
message3 A supplementary message shown while the state is active. (Often left blank)
message4 The message displayed when the state is removed or ends. "%1 revives!"
minTurns The minimum number of turns that the state must remain active before it can be removed. 1, 3
motion An ID representing the motion or animation that plays when the state is applied. 3, 0
name The name of the state as shown in the game. "Dead", "Guard", "Poison"
note Additional descriptive information about the state. This is often used to provide context or special instructions. "State #1 will be added when HP hits 0."
overlay A number indicating how many times the state’s icon should be overlaid on the character to indicate the intensity or stack of the state. 0, 1, 2, …
priority Determines the priority of the state relative to others. Higher values mean the state has a greater effect or takes precedence in battle calculations. 100, 50
releaseByDamage A Boolean flag indicating whether the state can be removed by taking damage. false, true
removeAtBattleEnd A Boolean flag that specifies if the state is removed at the end of battle. false, true
removeByDamage A Boolean flag indicating if the state can be removed when damage is taken. false, true
removeByRestriction A Boolean flag indicating if restrictions (such as inability to perform actions) can cause the state to be removed. false, true
removeByWalking A Boolean flag specifying whether the state is removed when the character moves (takes steps). false, true
restriction A numerical code representing specific restrictions imposed by the state (such as preventing skill usage or movement). 4, 0
stepsToRemove The number of steps a character must take to remove the state if it is configured to be removed by walking. 100, …
traits A JSON array that contains objects defining special properties or modifications (e.g., stat changes) applied by the state. [{"code":23,"dataId":9,"value":0}]


Buy Now$1.00 USD or more

In order to download this rpgmaker mz you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $1 USD. You will get access to the following files:

PLK_GoogleSheetsDatabaseStates.js 87 kB

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