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Ability to customize every window in the game without limits.

The advantage is that it does not conflict with anyone or anything and it can be used on all devices.

The order of this plugin is

1.PLK_Effects.js  (Open code and customize it)




This 4th plugin can read all window titles. 


Press CTRL to show all window titles while holding down the key.

Our properties will read the window name of other plugins that created windows but we don't know the name or don't want to waste time searching in the js file.

* Hold CTRL in the scene to make the name appear

* Make sure to disable this in the final version of the game!

* To avoid it from merging with the main game, remove it after use.

Parameter Type Description Default Notes/Options
windowName select The name of the window class where the background will be applied. Window_TitleCommand Options include: Window_MenuCommand, Window_ItemList, Window_Message, etc.
imageFile file The name of the background image file (located in the img/pictures folder). actor_status_bg.png Specify the image file name.
x number The X position within the window where the background image will be placed. 0
y number The Y position within the window where the background image will be placed. 0
scaleX number The horizontal scale of the image (1 = 100%). 1 E.g., 1, 1.5, 0.5
scaleY number The vertical scale of the image (1 = 100%). 1
opacity number The opacity of the background image (0–255). 255
backOpacity number The opacity of the window background (window skin). When set to 0, the window becomes transparent. 255
windowOpacity number The opacity of the window itself (this.opacity). 255
contentsOpacity number The opacity of the window’s contents (this.contentsOpacity). 255
disableItemBackground boolean If set to true, the item background/frame within the window will not be drawn. FALSE
windowSlide boolean If true, the window will slide in from the edge (adds a slide effect to the window itself). FALSE
windowSlideDirection select The direction from which the window slides in. left Options: left, right, up, down
windowSlideDuration number The duration for the window slide effect (in frames). 60
effectType select The type of effect applied to the background image. none Options: none, fade, slide, zoom, rotate, shake, pulsate, scroll, colorShift, blink, spin, swing, pulseColor, flip, glitch, shimmer, wave, jitter, spinZoom, fadeCycle, flicker, rainbow, split, scatter, custom
customEffectIndex number The index number for a custom effect (used when effectType = custom). 0 Used in conjunction with PLK_Effects.customEffects.

2. Effect Settings

Note: Each setting is provided as a JSON (struct) and is used only when the corresponding effectType is selected.
Parameter Type Description Default Notes
fadeSettings struct Settings for the fade effect (starts transparent and fades in). {"effectDuration":"60"} Used when effectType = fade
slideSettings struct Settings for the slide effect (slides in from the specified direction). {"effectDuration":"60","effectDirection":"left"} Used when effectType = slide
zoomSettings struct Settings for the zoom effect (starts at scale 0 and zooms to the defined scale). {"effectDuration":"60"} Used when effectType = zoom
rotateSettings struct Settings for the rotate effect (rotates from a specified angle back to 0). {"effectDuration":"60"} Used when effectType = rotate
shakeSettings struct Settings for the shake effect (creates a slight shaking effect). {"shakeIntensity":"5","shakeSpeed":"1"} Used when effectType = shake
pulsateSettings struct Settings for the pulsate effect (smoothly expands and contracts). {"pulseAmplitude":"0.2","pulseSpeed":"0.1"} Used when effectType = pulsate
scrollSettings struct Settings for the scroll effect (continuously scrolls the image). {"scrollSpeedX":"1","scrollSpeedY":"0"} Used when effectType = scroll
colorShiftSettings struct Settings for the colorShift effect (changes the image’s hue). {"hueShiftSpeed":"1"} Used when effectType = colorShift
blinkSettings struct Settings for the blink effect (alternates between high and low opacity). {"blinkMinOpacity":"50","blinkMaxOpacity":"255","blinkSpeed":"0.1"} Used when effectType = blink
spinSettings struct Settings for the spin effect (rotates the image). {"spinSpeed":"0.05"} Used when effectType = spin
swingSettings struct Settings for the swing effect (swings the image back and forth). {"swingAmplitude":"0.1","swingSpeed":"0.1"} Used when effectType = swing
pulseColorSettings struct Settings for the pulseColor effect (alternates between defined colors). {"pulseColorMin":"16777215","pulseColorMax":"16711680","pulseColorSpeed":"0.05"} Used when effectType = pulseColor
flipSettings struct Settings for the flip effect (flips the image). {"flipInterval":"30"} Used when effectType = flip
glitchSettings struct Settings for the glitch effect (applies slight distortions). {"glitchIntensity":"10","glitchFrequency":"0.1"} Used when effectType = glitch
shimmerSettings struct Settings for the shimmer effect (creates a subtle light shimmer). {"shimmerSpeed":"0.1","shimmerAmount":"0.2"} Used when effectType = shimmer
waveSettings struct Settings for the wave effect (moves the image up and down like a wave). {"waveAmplitude":"5","waveFrequency":"0.2"} Used when effectType = wave
jitterSettings struct Settings for the jitter effect (creates a jumpy motion). {"jitterIntensity":"3","jitterProbability":"0.5"} Used when effectType = jitter
spinZoomSettings struct Settings for the spinZoom effect (rotates while zooming). {"spinZoomSpeed":"0.03","spinZoomAmplitude":"0.2"} Used when effectType = spinZoom
fadeCycleSettings struct Settings for the fadeCycle effect (cycles between fading in and out). {"fadeCycleDuration":"120"} Used when effectType = fadeCycle
flickerSettings struct Settings for the flicker effect (creates random flickering). {"flickerMinOpacity":"100","flickerMaxOpacity":"255","flickerProbability":"0.3"} Used when effectType = flicker
rainbowSettings struct Settings for the rainbow effect (changes the image colors in a rainbow pattern). {"rainbowSpeed":"1"} Used when effectType = rainbow
splitSettings struct Settings for the split effect (divides the image into parts and then reassembles them). {"effectDuration":"60","splitType":"horizontal"} Used when effectType = split
scatterSettings struct Settings for the scatter effect (disperses the image from the center). {"effectDuration":"60","scatterIntensity":"10"} Used when effectType = scatter

Basic Usage

  1. Install the Plugin: Place the plugin file into the js/plugins folder of your RPG Maker MZ project and enable it in the Plugin Manager.
  2. Set the Basic Parameters:
    • Open the PLK_ImageManager settings in the Plugin Manager.
    • In the backgrounds parameter, add each struct WindowBackground entry one by one.
    • To have more than one background image in the same window, use the same windowName in multiple entries.
  3. Adjust the Settings:
    • Set the position (x, y) and scale (scaleX, scaleY) as desired.
    • Adjust the opacity, backOpacity, windowOpacity, and contentsOpacity to suit your needs.
    • If you want to apply an effect, set the effectType accordingly (e.g., fade, slide, zoom, etc.) and adjust the corresponding JSON (struct) settings for that effect.
  4. Save and Test: Save your settings and test your game. When the specified window is created, the system will add the background images and effects as configured.

PLK_Effects Overview

Effect Type Description Key Properties Additional Notes
fade Gradually increases the sprite’s opacity from 0 until it reaches a target value. sprite._targetOpacity, sprite._fadeSpeed, sprite.opacity Called every frame until sprite.opacity reaches _targetOpacity.
slide Moves the sprite from a starting position to a target position. sprite._targetX, sprite._targetY, sprite._slideSpeedX, sprite._slideSpeedY The sprite’s X and Y positions are adjusted incrementally toward their target values.
zoom Increases the sprite’s scale from 0 to a defined target scale. sprite._targetScale, sprite._zoomSpeed Note: The code uses a single _targetScale value instead of separate X and Y targets.
rotate Rotates the sprite gradually until it reaches a specified angle. sprite._targetRotation, sprite._rotateSpeed, sprite.rotation Rotation is incremented until reaching _targetRotation.
shake Creates a shaking effect by oscillating the sprite’s position. sprite._shakeAngle, sprite._shakeSpeed, sprite._shakeIntensity, sprite._originalX, sprite._originalY Uses sine and cosine functions to offset the position from its original coordinates.
pulsate Makes the sprite smoothly grow and shrink by altering its scale. sprite._pulseAngle, sprite._pulseSpeed, sprite._pulseAmplitude The scale is set to a factor computed from a sine wave, producing a pulsating effect.
scroll Continuously moves the sprite in a fixed direction. sprite._scrollSpeedX, sprite._scrollSpeedY The sprite’s position is updated each frame by adding the speed values.
colorShift Gradually shifts the hue of the sprite using a color filter. sprite._colorAngle, sprite._hueShiftSpeed, sprite._colorFilter Requires PIXI’s ColorMatrixFilter to adjust the hue value.
blink Alternates the sprite’s opacity between a minimum and maximum value. sprite._blinkTimer, sprite._blinkSpeed, sprite._blinkMinOpacity, sprite._blinkMaxOpacity Uses a sine function to smoothly vary opacity, creating a blinking effect.
spin Continuously rotates the sprite at a constant speed. sprite._spinSpeed Rotation is simply increased each frame by _spinSpeed.
swing Oscillates the sprite’s rotation to create a swinging motion. sprite._swingTimer, sprite._swingSpeed, sprite._swingAmplitude The rotation is set to the sine of a timer multiplied by an amplitude.
pulseColor Alternates the sprite’s tint between two defined colors. sprite._pulseColorTimer, sprite._pulseColorSpeed, sprite._pulseColorMin, sprite._pulseColorMax The tint is interpolated based on a sine wave value, smoothly shifting between two colors.
flip Flips the sprite horizontally at set intervals. sprite._flipTimer, sprite._flipInterval When the timer exceeds the interval, the sprite’s scale.x is negated to create a flip.
glitch Applies small random displacements to the sprite’s position. sprite._glitchIntensity, sprite._glitchFrequency, sprite._originalX, sprite._originalY A random chance each frame determines whether the sprite is offset from its original position.
shimmer Creates a subtle shimmering effect by modulating the sprite’s alpha. sprite._shimmerTimer, sprite._shimmerSpeed, sprite._shimmerAmount The sprite’s alpha is adjusted using a sine function to simulate light reflection.
wave Oscillates the sprite’s vertical position in a wave-like motion. sprite._waveTimer, sprite._waveFrequency, sprite._waveAmplitude, sprite._originalY Uses a sine wave to vary the sprite’s Y position around its original value.
jitter Randomly displaces the sprite for a jumpy or erratic motion effect. sprite._jitterIntensity, sprite._jitterProbability, sprite._originalX, sprite._originalY Similar to glitch but typically uses a defined probability to determine movement each frame.
spinZoom Combines rotation with a pulsing scale effect simultaneously. sprite._spinZoomTimer, sprite._spinZoomSpeed, sprite._spinZoomAmplitude, sprite._baseScaleX, sprite._baseScaleY The sprite rotates while its scale oscillates based on a sine wave.
fadeCycle Continuously cycles the sprite’s opacity from fully transparent to fully opaque. sprite._fadeCycleTimer, sprite._fadeCycleDuration Uses a sine function to create a smooth fade in and out loop.
flicker Randomly changes the sprite’s opacity to create a flickering effect. sprite._flickerProbability, sprite._flickerMinOpacity, sprite._flickerMaxOpacity Each frame, the opacity may change based on a random chance.
rainbow Applies a dynamic rainbow hue effect via a color filter. sprite._rainbowTimer, sprite._rainbowSpeed, sprite._colorFilter The hue is continuously adjusted; requires PIXI’s ColorMatrixFilter.
split Splits the sprite by gradually reducing its scale in one dimension. sprite._splitTimer, sprite._splitDuration, sprite._splitType For a "horizontal" split, the sprite’s X-scale is reduced; for "vertical," the Y-scale is reduced.
scatter Randomly disperses the sprite from its original position temporarily. sprite._scatterTimer, sprite._scatterDuration, sprite._scatterIntensity The sprite is randomly offset from its original position and then returns, simulating a scattering effect.
custom Executes a custom effect defined by the developer. sprite._customEffectIndex When the effect type is “custom,” the update function retrieves a custom effect from PLK_Effects.customEffects based on _customEffectIndex.

Custom Effects

  • How They Work: If a sprite’s _effectType is set to "custom", the PLK_Effects.updateEffect(sprite) method will use the value of sprite._customEffectIndex to select and run a custom effect function from the PLK_Effects.customEffects array.
  • Adding Custom Effects: Developers can add custom functions to the PLK_Effects.customEffects array. For example:
    PLK_Effects.customEffects.push(function(sprite) {
    // Custom effect example: Gradually change tint over time.     
    sprite._customTimer = (sprite._customTimer || 0) + 0.1;     
    let r = Math.floor(128 + 127 * Math.sin(sprite._customTimer));     
    let g = Math.floor(128 + 127 * Math.sin(sprite._customTimer + 2));     
    let b = Math.floor(128 + 127 * Math.sin(sprite._customTimer + 4));     
    sprite.tint = (r << 16) + (g << 8) + b; 

    Another example might apply slight random movement:

    PLK_Effects.customEffects.push(function(sprite) {     
    sprite._customTimer2 = (sprite._customTimer2 || 0) + 0.2;     
    let dx = Math.sin(sprite._customTimer2) * 3;     
    let dy = Math.cos(sprite._customTimer2) * 3;     
    sprite.x += dx;     sprite.y += dy; 
  • Usage in PLK_ImageManager: When you configure a background image in PLK_ImageManager with an effectType of "custom", set the corresponding customEffectIndex parameter. During each update cycle, PLK_Effects.updateEffect(sprite) will call the designated custom effect function to modify the sprite as needed.
Updated 11 days ago
TagsRPG Maker MZ


Buy Now$8.00 USD or more

In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $8 USD. You will get access to the following files:

PLK_Effects.js 11 kB
PLK_ImageManager.js 143 kB
PLK_CursorImage.js 151 kB
Read_Window_Name.js 3.3 kB

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