A downloadable rpgmaker mz

Buy Now$6.00 USD or more

This plugin can trigger switches in your game based on time, condition checks in game parameters, and many other commands that use $game and script.

✅ How to Use in Google Sheets

  1. Create a new Google Sheet and set up the columns as above.
  2. Copy and paste the table data into the sheet.
  3. Ensure the effects column contains JSON strings (use JSON.parse()).
  4. Integrate the Google Sheets API with RPG Maker MZ using a plugin.
  5. Test the item functionality in the game. 🎮

Copy Google Sheet to your own database

Open Extension Select app script Press Depoly button

New Deployment

Select type Select web app

Who has access Select Anyone

Press Depoly button Authorize access Select  You Select  Advanced Go to StorageSyncGoogle (unsafe) Allow

Web app



Go to game plugin list



Put URL here https://script.google.com/macros/s/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Basic command skip

 * This plugin runs in Scene_Map. Every PollInterval seconds, it will fetch

 * the WebAppURL to retrieve a JSON response expected to look like:


 *  {

 *    "result": "Success",

 *    "control": "Start" or "Stop",

 *    "commands": [

 *      "$gameMap.event(1).locate(5,4);",


 *      ...

 *    ]

 *  }


 * If "control" === "Start", it will eval all commands in the commands array.

 * If "control" === "Stop", it will skip them.


 * Notes:

 * - If any command includes "this.wait(...)", it will cause an error because

 *   'this' is not a Game_Interpreter in this context.

 * - Avoid using eval from untrusted sources if you are concerned about security.

A1: CommandScript
A2: $gameSwitches.setValue(1, true); $gameMessage.setFaceImage('Actor1', 0); $gameMessage.setBackground(0); $gameMessage.setPositionType(2); $gameMessage.setSpeakerName('\\c[6]\\n[1]'); $gameMessage.add('I am \\c[6]\\n[1]\\c[0]!');
A3: $gameParty.gainGold(100);
A4: $gameParty.addActor(n); $gameParty.removeActor(n);
A5: $gameMessage.setFaceImage('Actor1', 0); $gameMessage.setBackground(0); $gameMessage.setPositionType(2); $gameMessage.setSpeakerName('\\c[6]\\n[1]'); $gameMessage.add('I am \\c[6]\\n[1]\\c[0]!');
A6: // Suppose we loaded scriptLines[] into the game variable earlier. var scriptLines = $gameVariables.value(10); // array for (var i = 0; i < scriptLines.length; i++) {    eval(scriptLines[i]); // here "this" is Game_Interpreter }
A7: $gameMap.event(1).locate(5,4);

Published 6 hours ago
TagsRPG Maker MZ


Buy Now$6.00 USD or more

In order to download this rpgmaker mz you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $6 USD. You will get access to the following files:

PLK_LoadCommandsFromSheet.js 92 kB

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