A downloadable project

Buy Now$10.00 USD or more

* Terms of Use *  No duplication or distribution is permitted. Can be used in commercial games I ask you to specify "Palatkorn" in your game credits only

✅ How to Use in Google Sheets

  1. Create a new Google Sheet and set up the columns as above.
  2. Copy and paste the table data into the sheet.
  3. Ensure the effects column contains JSON strings (use JSON.parse()).
  4. Integrate the Google Sheets API with RPG Maker MZ using a plugin.
  5. Test the item functionality in the game. 🎮

Copy the Google Sheet database from . Copy

Open Extension Select app script Press Depoly button

New Deployment

Select type Select web app

Who has access Select Anyone

Press Depoly button Authorize access Select  You Select  Advanced Go to StorageSyncGoogle (unsafe) Allow

Web app



Go to game plugin list



Put URL here https://script.google.com/macros/s/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Parameter Type Default Description
itemType Select item The type of item available in the shop. Options: item, weapon, or armor.
itemId Number 1 The ID of the item available in the shop.
price Number 0 The price of the item.
maxQuantity Number 99 The maximum quantity that can be purchased at once.
googleSheetURL String https://script.google.com/macros/s/The URL of the Google Apps Script Web App used to send and fetch shop items from Google Sheets.
discordWebhookURL String https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/The Discord webhook URL to send purchase notifications.
Set_column Number 1 The number of columns in the shop layout.
Expand_the_message_button Number 50 The height of the shop button (used for spacing and sizing).
Width_spacing_button Number 5 The horizontal spacing between shop buttons.
Height_distance_button Number 5 The vertical spacing between shop buttons.
background File Sky The background image file (located in img/titles1/).
pictureSkin File Window The skin file for windows (located in img/system/).
x Number 150 The X position of the shop window.
y Number 200 The Y position of the shop window.
width Number 500 The width of the shop window.
height Number 300 The height of the shop window.
goldX Number 280 The X position of the gold window.
goldY Number 530 The Y position of the gold window.
goldWidth Number 240 The width of the gold window.
goldHeight Number 72 The height of the gold window.
helpWindowSide Select top The side on which to display the Help Window. Options: top, bottom, left, right, or custom.
helpWindowWidth Number 600 The width of the Help Window.
helpWindowHeight Number 150 The height of the Help Window.
helpWindowX Number 0 The X position for the Help Window when "custom" is selected.
helpWindowY Number 0 The Y position for the Help Window when "custom" is selected.


Buy Now$10.00 USD or more

In order to download this project you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $10 USD. You will get access to the following files:

PLK_Shop_Online.js 206 kB

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