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Plugin Commands

Command Description
openSellScene Opens the Sell Scene. The scene checks if the player is registered, then displays a help window (with item descriptions), a category window, and a list of items from the party. The player then selects an item, sets quantity and price, and the sale data is sent to Google Script (stored in column K).
openStoreScene Opens the Online Store Scene. This scene fetches store items from Google Script and displays each item over two lines (first line: icon, name, quantity; second line: seller and price). When an item is purchased, gold is deducted and the item is added to the party.
openReceiveMoneyScene Opens the Receive Money Scene. In this scene, money data is loaded from column L (using the action "loadMoney") and displayed in a list (with item icon, name, money amount, and buyer names). The player can then press "Receive All" to add the total money to the party and clear the data (using the action "receiveMoney").

Plugin Parameters

Parameter Description Default Value
GoogleScriptURL The URL of the Google Script used for HTTP POST/GET data transfers. https://script.google.com/macros/s/your_deployed_webapp_id/exec
PriceInputMode Determines how the price is input: "manual" uses keyboard numeric input, "keypad" uses an on‑screen keypad. keypad

Scene Layout & Window Overview

Scene / Window Description
Scene_SellItem Sell Scene: • Displays a two‑line help window at the top (for item descriptions). • Below that is the Sell Category window (to filter items) and then the Sell Item List window (showing party items). • Subsequent windows allow the player to confirm sale, set quantity, and set the price (via manual input or keypad).
Scene_Store Store Scene: • Shows a two‑line help window at the top. • The Store List window (below the help window) displays items in two lines (first line: item icon, name, and quantity; second line: seller and price). • When an item is purchased, the item is added to the party and money is recorded in column L.
Scene_ReceiveMoney Receive Money Scene: • A two‑line help window is shown at the top. • A Receive Money List window displays money data loaded from column L (including item icon, name, money amount, and buyer names). • A command window at the bottom allows the seller to press “Receive All” to add the total money to the party and clear column L.

Data Flow Summary

Action Data Sent / Received Sheet Column
sellItem Sale details (item type, id, quantity, price) are sent to Google Script and stored. Column K (using key: "type_itemId_price")
buyItem When an item is purchased, the system deducts gold, adds the item to the party, updates the sale data (reducing quantity), and records the money received. Column K (sale data updated) & Column L (money received)
loadMoney Loads money data for the seller (money received from purchases) from the sheet. Column L
receiveMoney When "Receive All" is pressed, the total money is added to the party and the money data is cleared. Column L cleared after funds are added

Give away gifts only to your real members with this

This plugin requires the installation of these 4 items.

Ability to send items to individual player members by specifying their email address.
You can set the number and type of items as desired. It will go to the player's main inventory immediately.
PLK_GoogleSheetEmailRegister users in the first version Copy the new app script and follow these steps: 
1. Copy 
(PLK_GoogleSheetEmailRegister If it is not version 1.0, skip this step.)
 2. You can overwrite the old app script code in the In the database, add fields as shown in this image. PLK_GoogleSheetEmailRegister plugin's subscriber database file.
3. Press Save, press Deploy, select Manage deployments Configuration (pencil icon), select New Version, press deploy and you are done. You do not need to use the new link because it is the old link.
 4.Use the same link with this plugin as well. PLK_OnlineStoreExchange
In the app script, you can update the version if you want maximum security. Just use it and update the unused version. Select to use it. The main operation will not be done anymore. Select to use it. Close all statuses yourself.
Updated 29 days ago
TagsRPG Maker MZ


Buy Now$6.00 USD or more

In order to download this project you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $6 USD. You will get access to the following files:

PLK_OnlineStoreExchange.js 470 kB

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